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software and hardware
development and security


Addicted to startup culture and cutting edge technology.
I specialize in web technologies, from engaging web and mobile applications to robust and scalable backends and APIs.
Also an open source contributor and occasional speaker at local developer conferences and meetups.



3 years experience

I have been developing Node.js APIs and microservices for a few years now with both ES5 and ES6. I know the goods and the bads of JavaScript.


17 years experience

Java is my native language, the one I learned my Object-Oriented fundamentals with. There is a thin line between good and bad OOP code.
Started working with Java technologies at University/College and worked with it professionally ever since at all levels.


7 years experience

I have been working with the Spring Libraries for Java since Spring 2. Started out as Dependency Injection, Spring Integration and MVC to now with
Spring bootSpring and more

Relational databases

15 years experience

I have worked with various relational databases throughout my career and particularly the Oracle RDBMS including PL SQL for large corporations

Agile development

5 years experience

I have worked in agile development teams for a number of years now and most clients insist on teams to work like this. I have experiences with


4 years experience

Although this is not my day to day work I have set up a Jenkins pipeline for a client with automated tests and deployment for QA purposes

Software architecture

5 years experience

As an Engineering Lead I have been responsible for the software architecture of a large companies, goverments and official organizations.